Return Policy

Looking to return an item?

We have a 14-day return policy, which means you have 14 days after receiving your item to request a return.

In order to be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it. All items must be unused, with the seal still in tact.

You will be charged shipping on all returned orders.

To start your return process, you can contact us at, and can expect an email back within 2 business days.

Crystal Returns

Crystal purchase are final unless your crystal is delivered damaged.

In the case a crystal is delivered damaged, please contact us at

You can expect an email back within 2 business days.

Need to cancel an order?

Orders must be canceled within the first 24 hours after confirming your purchase. We work our best to get your orders out quickly and so all orders after the 24 hour period are final.

Thanks for your understanding!


We do not offer exchanged at this time.




Please visit our FAQ or Contact Us page for any further questions!